8 Luxuries a Babe Deserves...
Hi Babes, Welcome back to a new blog! Today is about some of the luxuries a girl deserves and will work for. Get ready for some interesting fun stuff that I like or just some things that I think everyone deserves. If you're looking for more stuff, check out my website here!
Let's get this started :)
Growing up, I was pretty content, I had siblings to play with and food in my belly. Things stared to change when I moved into another relative's household. Everyday became a nightmare and we were always the ones at fault. It got pretty scary once frequently and I quickly realized that I wanted a better and safe life. All of which I didn't mind working my ass off for.
Money and luxuries, all differentiate between persons, so today I'm gonna list some luxuries that I'm grateful for and some that I would love to have. I hope you guys can relate and like these things as much as I do. Here we go.
#1 Gorgeous Home Library
If you don't know by now, I'm a bookworm. I go through audiobooks in a day, several novels a week and would love to have a place, in my future home, where I can store all my favorite manga, novels and, one say, my own books. An at home library has always been a dream of mine, As I grew up with my mother always reading or telling me stories. Guess that's why I'll always love books. It definitely doesn't have to be a grand thing, just comfortable. Something like the one referenced below would be ideal.
#2 The Jewelry
If there is something that every woman deserves its some fantastic jewelry. The beauty behind the jewelry is its ability to make us feel empowered. When it comes to the jewelry we wear, choosing the right look for us is essential. There is no point aiming for luxury and missing the mark by only adding a small pair of earrings to our collection. When we talk about adorning ourselves with luxury, we mean the only name in luxury, diamonds, of course. After all, what is a girl without her best friend?
#3 Fancy Kitchen
Growing up with a huge family, but having a tiny kitchen is so frustrating. Having a larger kitchen, would be so comfy, not to mention a lot cooler, temperature wise. Those huge kitchens, with two stoves and those sleek, sexy black fridges with those square lights over the granite countertops. Having one of those islands, it's definitely a luxury in my book. Have you guys ever wanted those smexy kitchens? Not like mansion level, but like, if you wanna work for it, slay bish. Still, once it's got the space and that homey feeling to it, I'll love it. Oml, this list is turning into a wish list, lol. I can't even, want do you guys think, should I just do a wish list? If you guys like this one, I'll do more once you ask in the comments!
#4 A Walk in Closet
I think, everyone has this dream, at least once in their life. A space for all your clothes, even if it's not the fancy shit like Gucci stuff. This is a luxury I'd definitely work for too. Having a closet is a goal of mine, since houses here don't have a lot of them. We use wardrobes and vanities a lot, but not for makeup. Just the clothes, really. Even though I'm not the most stylish bish out there, I'd probably have a lot of clothes and I'd die to see it all organized smexy-like. Really, it'll be nice to have the space, for me and my future husband. Another thing, I'm not one for his and hers, just ours.
#4 Hairstyles
This is another luxury, at least to me. I'm a black woman and I frickin' love my hair, but oof, I would save so much time to put this thing in some braids or those natural hair wigs. Don't get me wrong having kinky hair is all well and good, but it would help same my arm from those night of sweating, marking, combing and tying up. *cries*
#5 Makeup
Okay, makeup has come a long way, with a lot of cheaper and really great brands. But, you can't deny, you'd love to have the luxury of splurging on Colourpop and Morpheus? I know I frickin' would. Truthfully, makeup isn't a necessity, it's something for fun(unless you're a makeup artist, the get that bag, sis). Over the past few years, I've become an addict. I would love to have a makeup vanity and set up. With a ton of my favorite makeup.
#6 A Luxury Holiday
From time to time, we all need to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life; there is no better way to do this than with a luxury holiday. A holiday like this can do wonders for your well-being and make you feel like an absolute queen. When it comes to luxury holidays, you should be waited on hand and foot and never have to lift a finger. The beautiful thing about luxury holidays now is that they are more accessible and affordable than ever.
#8 Mental Health
I'm sure y'all are like, "what, why is she going off about this here?". Gimmie a chance, this is still part of luxuries. Where I'm from, mental health and issues is dangerously overlooking. I mean, kids run away from negative households, only for the authorities to find them and return them to the same hell. It's quite stupid and very scary.
Not to mention, mental care is rare or expensive. It disgusts me how it's not even considered in the education system and getting the help, needs to go through so many stupid regulations. Where in most cases, parents/guardians are responsible for the same abuse. In this case, it's a luxury to have mental health care or to spread mental health awareness. It's something that I will pour much blood, sweat and tears into fixing.
So there you have it, 8 different ways you should go out and treat yourself to what you deserve, or if there is a special man in your life, show him this and wait for the diamonds.
Lemme know if you want a wishlist next. I have a Pinterest where you guys can check out my sense of style, more on my dreams & motivational quotes there!
Article written by Jazamine Lakes and edited by Raegan Aniyah