5 Goals Every Woman Should Set Herself In 2022
by Her Vision Inc. Team

Hey vision babes,
Wow it as been a while! As you know January is now coming to end in a few days and we just wanted to give some inspiration on our goals for the new year!
2021 was a def a crazy year. Isn’t that the understatement of the century? But finally, the dust is lifting on the year and it’s time to think about what you want for 2022. When the promise of normality is on the horizon, it’s extremely important to set goals that are realistic and smash them. This is a golden opportunity to think ahead about your goals for next year. Never before have we all faced such a crappy year – and with the promise that it’s only going up from here, it’s time to reflect and take a moment to think about the goals you’re going to smash.
If you want to achieve anything, you need to become more disciplined. That means you need to start giving yourself strict deadlines and sticking to them. The best way to do that is to plan ahead, you can use a range of 2022 Diaries to structure your days, weeks, and months.
Start with the monthly overview and mark all your important dates and deadlines, that’s often not enough for keeping you on track though, which is why the in-depth daily overviews will help you remember to stick to those deadlines and plan your day hour by hour. This is one of those 2022 goals ideas that make sense, don’t set resolutions for yourself that you can’t achieve!
For me, I would rather set goals for each month of the year rather than having one giant list of goals for the year. Because if have such a huge list like that and don't end up accomplishing it let's say when about two weeks into it, that can become very discouraging and your likely to give up. But when your goals/resolutions are done monthly you can motivate yourself each month to be better.
This is one of those 2022 goals ideas that make sense, overall I would say don’t set resolutions for yourself that you can’t achieve!
I know with the COVID-19 virus and the different variants that are forming it can be a long shot to say " Hey let's go to the Bahamas for a week!" No one is saying do that at all. You don’t need to travel far, you can travel to places in your city or state you’d never thought of visiting. You can still have your mind blown by exploring a place you never knew existed. Grow and develop into a more well-rounded person by seeing different perspectives.
Travel not only broadens the mind, but it’ll also help you to relax, unwind, and see more of the world than you thought possible. Why not use your next weekend to visit the next town over or go on a train journey? This year should all be about seeing the world as often as you possibly can. Not being allowed to go anywhere for these past couple of years means that 2022 should be the year you expand your horizons.

Whatever your dream might be, this is the time to follow it. Whether it’s starting a business, learning a skill, putting on a show, follow it, and commit yourself to it fully. You can easily do this if you make a plan for 2022 and decide to put yourself first. You can use any agenda, journal, or planner to help build a plan that supports your dreams. Customize it to suit exactly what you want to achieve, add 2021 inserts, memos, meal plans, anything you need to support you so that you can spend time following the dreams you want to achieve in 2022. Create something that makes you look forward to every single day, read and excited to become girl of your dreams!
2021 probably caused you to take a long hard look at what’s important. Your health and happiness are so important, feeling like you’ve achieved something and are smashing your goals is great – but your friends and family and your health and happiness should never take a back seat. That’s why it’s time to make 2022 the year of boundaries and creating a healthy work/life balance.

This one right here definitely spoke something in my soul! Last year I was terrible when it came saving my money, it's almost like that word didn't exist anymore. When I had my job working in a clothing store, I would just shop, shop, shop, and shop, and then I would shop some more. I cannot explain to you how much I love clothes and makeup. Once I see something cute I just can't resist it! Reality didn't truly set in until I realized that I've been working this job for almost 4 months and I still barely have money to go Christmas shopping or buy my friend's birthday gifts.
Being that I'm a senior about to graduate high school it's has now become important me that I save my money for future purposes like college or in case of emergencies. I beat myself up about it all the time but I've realized that I'm still learning and growing. I'm actually happy I recognized my mistake before I got too deep. Now the sight of clothes just disgusts me. JK! Lol, shopping will always be something that I'm gonna want to do but I've become more discipline and that's something you're definitely going to need when it comes to saving. If you're teenager, soon to be college student, or already a college student then you know! My advice would be:
Make a commitment to yourself and stick to your budget. You’ll be surprised at what can happen when you commit to it for even just a few months of the year and will be able to treat yourself with what you truly want every so often. Just keep your eyes on the prize!
I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks blog post!
Let us know in the comments what your goals are for the New Year or if you resonate with any of these goals that we've listed!
xoxo Raegan
Love these goals for the new year! My fave was the saving money goal!! I def can relate to that 🤍